“Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy word.” Psalm 119:9
I am greatly pained. My nerves are numb. My heart bleeds uncontrollably. It aches a lot, seeing what my non-Christian peers get into. It is an age of the pursuit of fame and identity but many end up losing interest in life if such is not accomplished. Unlike in the past, in this generation there is an incremental rise in the death toll among youth. I wonder who will be our future leaders, parents, doctors, or even the backbone of our national economy? How about life coaches, motivators and future preachers?
The future is endangered but it is never too late, however much it is besieged. What kind of a future will we have?
In all walks of life there is the dream for betterment of one’s self and achievements in life at a tender age, that is, at the youthful stage. This is also the blooming stage for individuals. Parents, nations, and other faculties invest much into the youth.
This tells much in terms of the importance that they will be to the next generation. In cases where the youth are besieged, the future is also endangered.
The UN definition of youth is a transitional period between childhood to adulthood that moves from the dependence stage into an independence stage and it ranges between 15–24 years of age.
In my own words I would say it is a stage of searching for one’s identity. A youth is a young person blossoming into adulthood with vigorous and incredible thoughts, strength. and ambitions.
The definition of the word “youth” perhaps is not constant depending on demographical, financial, economic and sociocultural settings. This is a very fragile stage; it requires keen observation, care, closeness, and attention. It is at this time that an individual can lose focus in life, especially when it comes to the development of good characters and habits. Often it happens out of curiosity or the influence of worldly associates. As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. Many good behaviours and ambitions are killed by neglect and venturing onto Satan’s enchanted ground.
I do not mean that interaction is to be avoided, but be as wise as serpents. Take caution on who you associate with. Many have been jailed or arrested because they were found in association with criminals, drug dealers or even thieves, without their knowledge.
The book of Proverbs talks about it being better to eat vegetables in a peaceful but humble home than to have honey and mouth-watering meals in a kingly house with no peace. This means that we are responsible for whatever happens to us and whichever place we find ourselves in.
A youth is someone who deserves reproof and direction in whatever course of action they take. It is at this same stage that the government presumes a level of maturity at this age, and the youth are given certain legal rights. Once in acquisition of these legal rights, these individuals feel like they have dominion over the world. It is at this same stage that the current education system in various countries sends these persons away from home. It is at this point that some sense of freedom gets into them, not knowing that whatever action they take, they will be responsible for, both in this life and the life to come.
Brain Development of the Youth
A youth’s brain is much different compared to that of an adult or a young child. We can say it is in the middle between a child and an adult.
At this transitional stage several brain parts in association with specific functions undergo development or rather, we would say, are moulded. In this stage, young people get interested in various excitements.
A significant portion of brain growth and development occurs at this stage, for the brain is not fully developed until the age of 25 years. The brain does not mature homogeneously and linearly but instead in accordance with cognitive development. This development affects the youth’s way of thinking and, in like manner, behaviour is also intensely affected. It mainly depends on age, experience, and the hormonal changes that occur in adolescence.
The prefrontal cortex is the decision-making part of the brain; however, at the youth stage it is not fully developed. This part of the brain also controls the ability to plan and think about the consequences of actions, solve problems and control impulses. This continues into early adulthood.
When viewing youth closely, at times they may act very mature and other times they seem to behave or think illogically, impulsively or emotionally at times. This is mainly because the prefrontal cortex is still undergoing development and the youth’s mind relies on the amygdala to make decisions and solve problems. The amygdala is associated with emotions, impulses, aggression, and instinctive behaviours.
A young mind is believed to be strong, and basically this is when one can achieve and pursue most dreams in life.
Youth as an Oasis in the Sinful World
As a growing Christian teenager you are like an oasis in the desert. Many look up to you; with or without your knowledge you are a source of life and guidance to many. “It is not our privilege to claim special favors of the world” – Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 286. But we are placed among men in the world to be their source of salvation. “The opinions and wisdom of men must not guide or govern us. They always lead away from the cross.” –Ibid. We should always look up to God for guidance and counsel. We are placed as missionaries in various places and we are to spread the gospel as Christ instructed.
“I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” John 17:15. “Ye are My witnesses, saith the LORD, and My servnt whom I have chosen.” Isaiah 43:10. “So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman uno the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from Me. ” Ezekiel 33:7
“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:18–20
“Do not give them the false impression that the religion of Christ is a religion of gloom, and that in coming to the Saviour they must give up all that makes life joyful.” –The Desire of Ages, p. 517
As Youth we are to be Bible students. “Ye search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.” John 5:39. As Daniel became an oasis in his time, and through him many received the opportunity to know the true God, the Living Lord, we are in like manner to purpose to save many souls in our time that are perishing in the desert of sin, in thirsting to know the word of GOD.
“Let all be educated to search the Scriptures, to be constantly looking unto Jesus, and not to human agents, to be their guide. The Word of God is to be the man of our counsel. That Word is infinite. Obeyed, it will guide us into safe and sure paths. But the Word diluted with human devices and imaginings is not a safe guide.” –The Upward Look, p. 371
To be continued. . . .
Sherfield Bright
Photo taken at Norman College in June 2023