Greetings in the precious name of Jesus with Proverbs 11:30.  “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”

Thank you so much for the little booklet loaned to us, called “Christian Leadership,” which we used at a seminar here in our little church last year.  I want to say that we are so thankful because the Lord had brought you over to us and used you to give us what had been missing in our lives concerning our spiritual journey and battle.  It meant so much for me, a chief of sinners.

When Brother Ebby Graf and Brother Jerry Eaton came for the first and second missionary visit, I had seen and felt Jesus Christ which led me to repent of my sins.  I can honestly say that I didn’t see Ebby or Jerry, my dear Brothers, but I saw Christ.  This is what soul saving is all about.  The food you brought is life; for my part, I am to eat and drink that I may dwell in Him and He in me, then I will have life and that life is eternal.  Amen.  (John 6:53-56)

That life is Jesus, and it is light.  When imputed, then it will be imparted after being sanctified by the Spirit of Christ in us, which is to be improved in bringing souls to the Saviour.  My life was miserable, wretched in what I had been into, but the Lord has a work for us and had led you in such a way, by bringing you here to Papua New Guinea (PNG) for the people, especially me, by encouraging, nurturing and providing spiritual nourishment that I may be able to grow again.

I am now writing with tears rolling down my face.  The work has just begun here in PNG with the IMS faith.

The booklet, “Christian Leadership” is very helpful.  I used it, did presentations on it for our leadership workshop and seminar in our little church and it was a blessing to us.  Praise God “The Reformation Messenger” you arranged for me is always inspiring.  I am humbly still standing. I want to see this type of spirit in PNG among the leading brethren regarding soul saving. Maybe it will be shown; we will have to be patient.  “Everyone in whose heart Christ abides, everyone who shows forth His love to the world, is a worker together with God for the blessing of humanity.  As he receives from the Saviour grace to impart to others, from his whole being flows forth the tide of spiritual life.”  The Acts of the Apostles, p. 13

“This love for their brethren and the cause they have espoused, was greater than their love of money and possessions.  Their works testified that they accounted the souls of men of higher value than earthly wealth.”  The Acts of the Apostles, p. 71.  Therefore, everyone of us will have to fulfill Proverbs 11:30, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; he that winneth souls is wise.”

“The days of preparation were days of searching.  The disciples felt their spiritual need and cried to the Lord for the holy unction that was to fit them for the work of soul saving.”  The Acts of the Apostles, p. 37.  “We are to be channels through which His love is day by day to flow to the perishing.  The realization of the great work in which he has the privilege of taking part enables and sanctifies the true worker.  He is filled with the faith that works by love and purifies the soul.”  Letter 43, 1902

I want to let you know how I am doing here.  In 2009, on September 8th,  ten members of the 1951 movement were fellowshipped into the International Missionary Society at Mini, in Jiwaka Province, up in the Highlands.  Praise the Lord.  On October 17th, 2010 last year three souls were baptized at my place.  Those three souls are a sister from the Adventist Church and my two daughters.

We now have a total of 20 members in the Reform church in PNG.  Out of these 20 members, 17 of us were former 1951 Movement members and three were former Adventists.  God’s church has set foot on the Southern part and tip of PNG.  In the nation’s capitol, Port Moresby, 14 souls made contact with me for the first time last year in November.  I had a Bible study with them for a week, then left them for Madang.  In Alotau Milne Bay Province on the Southern Tip, and nation’s Capitol are all Seventh-Day Adventist members and Independent Ministries.

My concern is that we must show them that we are an organized body by providing them with reading articles.  The other thing is visitations.  There must be regular visitations by means of two by two.

And in my area, the devil is working very hard to destroy us.  In 2009, our church building was burnt down when two ethnic groups collided.  Not one house was left standing, including our church.  In the beginning of 2010 last year, a few members of the other ethnic group came over to my house to kill my daughter’s husband by using spears, machetes, grass knives and sticks, but my wife and myself were shielding him from the blows from them.  All of us nearly got killed but it was God that intervened and brought us safe.  Although our son-in-law was speared with a four inch deep spear wound, we were safe.  Praise God.

Since our church was burnt down, we usually worship every Sabbath at my place under the mango trees, and if it rains, we worship in my kitchen.  Then my wife helped me erect a small bush material house that can cater to 30 people for worship, which we are using, and have our fellowship under.  However, we will relocate our place. It will take about $2000 Canadian to build our house, and, about $1000 Canadian for a church building.  The Lord provides.

I am enclosing some photos of the work here in PNG that you can print in “The Reformation Messenger” magazine.  As well, you can see our church building before and after it was burnt down.

Brother, I praise the Lord that Brs. Jerry and Ebby started the work with the brethren in Australia and some of us will finish it.  But because it is only a humble beginning, I pray that more support can come to finish the gospel commission in this part of PNG.

Your brother in Christ,

Peter Dakire